Wednesday, 21 October 2015

WiFi Certificate File Install

  Some WiFi connections require a special certificate in Ubuntu, for example: ca-bundle.crt. And here is the way to install this kind of certs in Ubuntu.

1. copy the cert file to directory: /etc/ssl/certs/
    This is the place in Ubuntu to put the cert file and in other Linux distributions it might be a little different.

2. check the permissions on the cert file.

 Sometimes the original file is with the permission as the following when it has just been downloaded:

-rw------- 1 root root 660107 Oct 21 06:43 ca-bundle.crt

However, the cert file cannot been seen for users when selecting the cert file in filling up the WiFi information. So we need to change it to:

                      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 660107 Oct 21 06:43 ca-bundle.crt

by command:
                      chmod 644 cert-cert

It means that "I can change it and everyone else can read it".

Now back to the WiFi security table and try to find the cert file, it can be seen.

Hope it helps and happy ubunt'n!

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