Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Use Your iPhone in Different Countries

When I tried to use my old iPhone 4 bought from China in other countries for example Canada, it works fine with calling and texting since it is unlocked. But the strange thing is the 3G network is not accessible.

The solution to this problem is to set up the APN profile. There are some apps you could find in the Appstore but some of them are not free and some need a login. But I found the following way which is easy and free.

Just open the link down below in safari and it will let you set your carrier, for example, Canada/Fido.


Then it will jump to setting->general->profiles and just press install and you are done! You can now see a app with APN on it. And if you try to open it, it is still a webpage.

But when you change to another carrier company, you must delete the profile from setting->general->profiles (now the APN app icon should be gone) and repeate the process above again.

Hope it helps.

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