Tuesday 13 March 2018

Tinkering OpenWRT (5) : Build OpenWRT Source Code

Step 1: Inslall softwares
sudo apt-get install subversion g++ zlib1g-dev build-essential git python rsync man-db 
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev gawk gettext unzip file libssl-dev wget

Step 2: download source
git clone https://git.lede-project.org/source.git lede 
cd lede 

Step 3:
./scripts/feeds update -a 
./scripts/feeds install -a 

Step 4:
make menuconfig # Maximum the terminal when doing this.
More research needs to be done here to fit different systems. Here we compile for VirtualBox as an example.
      “Target System” ⇒ “x86”
      “Target Images” ⇒ “Build VirtualBox image files(VDI)”
Save and Exit.

Step 5: Compile
 make[1] world
 make[2] tools/compile
 make[3] -C tools/flock compile
 make[3] -C tools/sed compile
 make[3] -C tools/patch compile
 make[3] -C tools/xz compile
 make[3] -C tools/tar compile
 make[3] -C tools/m4 compile
 make[3] -C tools/autoconf compile
 make[3] -C tools/pkg-config compile
 make[3] -C tools/automake compile
 make[3] -C tools/missing-macros compile
 make[3] -C tools/libtool compile
 make[3] -C tools/gmp compile
 make[3] -C tools/mpfr compile
 make[3] -C tools/mpc compile
 make[3] -C tools/libelf compile
 make[3] -C tools/expat compile
 make[3] -C tools/flex compile
 make[3] -C tools/bison compile
 make[3] -C tools/mklibs compile
 make[3] -C tools/sstrip compile
 make[3] -C tools/make-ext4fs compile
 make[3] -C tools/e2fsprogs compile
 make[3] -C tools/mtd-utils compile
 make[3] -C tools/libressl compile
 make[3] -C tools/mkimage compile
 make[3] -C tools/firmware-utils compile
 make[3] -C tools/patch-image compile
 make[3] -C tools/findutils compile
 make[3] -C tools/quilt compile
 make[3] -C tools/padjffs2 compile
 make[3] -C tools/mm-macros compile
 make[3] -C tools/cmake compile
 make[3] -C tools/scons compile
 make[3] -C tools/bc compile
 make[3] -C tools/gengetopt compile
 make[3] -C tools/patchelf compile
 make[3] -C tools/mtools compile
 make[3] -C tools/dosfstools compile
 make[3] -C tools/qemu compile
 make[3] -C tools/lzma compile
 make[3] -C tools/squashfs4 compile
 make[2] toolchain/compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/gdb compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/binutils compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/gcc/initial compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/kernel-headers compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/musl compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/gcc/final compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/fortify-headers compile
 make[3] -C toolchain/yasm compile
 make[2] target/compile
 make[3] -C target/linux compile
 make[2] diffconfig
 make[2] package/cleanup
 make[2] package/compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libubox host-compile
 make[3] -C package/system/opkg host-compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/toolchain compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libnl-tiny compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libjson-c compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/lua compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libubox compile
 make[3] -C package/system/ubus compile
 make[3] -C package/system/uci compile
 make[3] -C package/network/config/netifd compile
 make[3] -C package/firmware/linux-firmware compile
 make[3] -C package/firmware/prism54-firmware compile
 make[3] -C package/kernel/linux compile
 make[3] -C package/system/ubox compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/ncurses host-compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/zlib compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/ncurses compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/util-linux compile
 make[3] -C package/system/fstools compile
 make[3] -C package/system/fwtool host-compile
 make[3] -C package/system/fwtool compile
 make[3] -C package/system/procd compile
 make[3] -C package/system/usign host-compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/jsonfilter compile
 make[3] -C package/system/lede-keyring compile
 make[3] -C package/system/usign compile
 make[3] -C package/base-files compile
 make[3] -C package/boot/grub2 host-compile
 make[3] -C package/boot/grub2 compile
 make[3] -C package/kernel/button-hotplug compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/mbedtls compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/ustream-ssl compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/uclient compile
 make[3] -C package/network/utils/iptables compile
 make[3] -C package/network/config/firewall compile
 make[3] -C package/network/ipv6/odhcp6c compile
 make[3] -C package/network/services/dnsmasq compile
 make[3] -C package/network/services/dropbear compile
 make[3] -C package/network/services/odhcpd compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libpcap compile
 make[3] -C package/network/utils/linux-atm compile
 make[3] -C package/network/utils/resolveip compile
 make[3] -C package/network/services/ppp compile
 make[3] -C package/system/mtd compile
 make[3] -C package/system/opkg compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/busybox compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/e2fsprogs compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/f2fs-tools compile
 make[2] package/install
 make[2] target/install
 make[3] -C target/linux install
 make[2] package/index
 make[2] checksum

It took my T420 almost 2 hours to finish the first make...You can ultimately find the results in the bin file.


Keep updated with the official website:


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