Thursday 14 January 2016

Download Files in Windows with the Extension Name You Want

I am trying to download a ".sty" file for LateX editing. But Windows failed to recognize it as a LateX file (only .tex file can be automatically downloaded as .tex). So Windows game me only .txt type and I end up downloading the file: xxxxxx.sty.txt, which cannot be recognize by LateX! Sooooo annoying!!!

I searched and many suggested very complicated ways to remove it such as a third-party software or change something in the Windows Register. This is why I HATE Win. I find a easy way to do it inspired from the following blog:

However, it is not perfect. For example. the file you are trying to Save As is abcde.sty and you input "abcde.sty" in the file name, then the type you will get is .sty". So only one quote at the beginning of the file name is enough, like this:
